The Top 5 Cultural Attractions in South India

Check out The Top 5 Cultural Attractions in South India. Dining in Kerala and other parts of south India will be a great treat for the Seafood Lovers. South Indian Music & Classical Dance (Kathakali)

The Top 5 Cultural Attractions in South India
Cultural Attractions in South India

India is a famous country for its Cultural tradition and rich history. The South Indian region in India, has a long list of long-time ruling dynasties like the Chola Dynasty.

The unique culture of the South Indian region supports a variety of distinctive and fascinating attractions. Let's have an unforgettable look into the South Indian way of life due to the cultural attractions followed there.

Here we are going to share top 5 cultural attractions in South India that the tourists may find attractive.

Cultural Attractions in South Part of India

  • The Cultural attractions of any arena allows the visitors to enjoy and experience the physical and intellectual creation of the region.
  • Culture in its broadest sense is developed by humans with time and doesn’t matter what place you belong to, anyone can connect with any tradition or culture of any other place.

State Comes under South Part of India

  • The five states - Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu & Telangana - are officially included when it comes to the South Indian Region.
  • Majority of the languages here are Dravidian. 

5 Cultural Attractions located in South India

  • Cultural tourism has benefits that range from improving regional heritage to serving as an important form of income for nations around the world. 
  • Tourists can extend their perspectives and promote greater cultural tolerance by learning about new and different civilizations through cultural heritage.
  • The Traditional Clothing, Cuisine, Music & Dance, Architecture & Paintings (Sculptures and figurines), Community & Traditions, Literature & Philosophy are specialties of South Indian Culture.

Let’s have a look in more detail about all these cultural attractions.

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South Indian Famous Food

  • Dining in Kerala and other parts of south India will be a great treat for the Seafood Lovers. The food here is basically Coconut Based and the food of this place is healthy thus should be preferred by people who are fitness conscious.
  • The Idli is made up of rice flour and is steamed, similarly the sambhar (Curry) is prepared with less oil but quality masala. Hyderabadi Biryani is very famous for its quality, ingredients and unique style of cooking. 
  • Traditionally, the food here is eaten on banana leaf and that too with no spoon, but you own your right hand. Rice is a very important part of mal in the South Indian region.
  • The South Indian Filter Coffee(Kaapi) is filled with the aromatic taste of South Indian Chai Masala. Choose a hotel designed similar to the South Indian house structures & that offers Seven Course South Indian food, thus you’ll get the comfort and the taste at one place.
  • The Khade Masala’s of South India are very healthy and tasteful that adds another flavor in any food. 

famous south indian food

South Indian Music & Classical Dance (Kathakali)


  • The South Indian Music shows the glimpse of Indian Classical style of music. Most common form there is the Kriti, which is a composition that is based on a fixed Raag (Melody) and Taal (Rhythm). 
  • In Chennai, the finest concentration of Carnatic music can be found and it is the Capital of Tamil Nadu. 
  • There are many great festivals occur where you can enjoy the South Indian Music like Chennai music Festival/ Madras Music Season (Occurs Annually in Chennai from mid-December to mid-January),Thyagaraja Carnatic Music Festival (Occurs every January in Thiruvarur, Thanjavur District of TamilNadu). 

Dance - Kathakali

  • It is a Classical Dance form and there are many other famous dance forms in South India like Bharatanatyam. This dance form has emerged in the Tanjore District of Tamil Nadu and it is also performed in the temples.
  • Like Music, there are many dance festivals that occur in this part of India like, Annual Indian Dance Festival (Occur from late December to late January in Mamallapuram), which showcases many South Indian Classical Dance forms.
  • Kathakali, a unique & ancient Dance form of Dance & Drama and traditional to Kerala. The look is make-up with the red bloodshot eyes, borders and fanciness. The  movements are subtle and narrate a meaningful mythological tale.
  • The performers of this dance form undergo intense training, eye movements & physical balance to justify this form and thoroughly entertain the viewers.
  • The Cochin region is full of theaters and daily performances of Kathakali and other dance forms. Also, in the Kerala kathakali Center, classes are offered to learn various dance forms.


  • Have you seen the first part of Baghi movie? I am talking about Tiger Shroff’s movie and not Salman Khan’s. Yes the martial art form showed there was Kalaripayattu. 
  • A traditional Martial art of Indian South Indian region that is practiced in Kerala. One of the oldest existing martial arts in the world dating back more than 2000 years. This is even older than Chinese martial arts which grew after the Buddhist monk Bodhidharma took knowledge from India to China.
  • Strikes, kicks, grappling, pre-established forms, weapons, and healing techniques are all covered by Kalaripayattu. It is being conducted at the Kadathanadan Kalari Centre in Thekkady, amongst other places. From Kochi, Travspire provides an organized trip.


  • The South Indian region has a lot of rare plants and herbs and the Ayurvedic science has been a speciality of this region for many years. 
  • For over 5000 years, Thekkady has existed in the Indian traditional Natural healing system, in medical science including Yoga therapy. It has been divided into 8 branches known as Ashtavadiyan.
  • Infact, the origin of Ayurveda can be traced back to Kerala, where around 18 families believed to have practiced these branches and emerged their own specialized treatments that are taken further through generations. 
  • Many people from Other Indian regions and also from Overseas head towards Kerala state to get Ayurvedic treatments.

Temple Architecture

  • The South Indian temples are world famous for their architecture. Among all states of South India, Tamil Nadu dominates with its many ancient Dravidian masterpieces. 
  • The Tamilian Culture became very famous due to the unique architecture in the temples there. All these architecture show how advanced Indian history then was scientifically. 

Additional Cultural Attractions in South India


  • Onam in Kerala and Pongal in Tamil Nadu are two renowned festivities that occur in south India. 
  • Men dress up as tigers and march around in celebration of the Pulikali art form during the Onam festival in the city of Thrissur. Kerala is noted for its annual festivals glorifying elephants.
  • The festivals, which are a component to the yearly temple celebrations, are held throughout the state from February to April for approximately ten days each.


  • The hand-woven saris that are produced in cities like Mysore in Karnataka and Kanchipuram in Tamil Nadu are widely recognized.

south indian cloths

 Literature and Poetry

  • The outstanding quality of south India's literature, that goes back more than two thousand years to the poetic Sangam period, is sure to please literature admirers. A total of 2,381 poems written by 473 poets have been gathered as a result.
  • On the coast of Tamil Nadu, Kanyakumari is noteworthy for its magnificent statue of Thiruvalluvar. Thirukkural, a 1,330 couplet poem from traditional Sangam literature, was written by this Tamil poet and philosopher. It is among the most significant Tamil literary masterpieces.
  • The fact that women are seen as influential in south Indian literature and philosophy is also important. This undoubtedly plays a role in the dignity with which women are regarded in South India as opposed to the north.


The complete details about the cultural riches of the South Indian Region of India are given above here.

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