Pakistan set to lose hosting rights for Asia Cup 2023

Reliable sources have informed India Today that the Asia Cup 2023 is expected to be relocated from Pakistan.Asia Cup 2023 going to be held in Sri Lanka. Benefit for Pakistan if Asia Cup held in their country

Pakistan set to lose hosting rights for Asia Cup 2023

Pakistan's hosting rights for the Asia Cup are potentially in jeopardy due to the diminished favorability of the country as a host, stemming from the Board of Control for Cricket in India's (BCCI) decision to decline sending its players to Pakistan. Consequently, there is a possibility of a shift in the hosting duties, with Sri Lanka emerging as the primary contender to assume the role.

Asia Cup 2023 held in which country

Several nations, including Bangladesh and Afghanistan, have expressed support for relocating the Asia Cup to Sri Lanka, as the country has shown interest in hosting the tournament. 

However, the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has opposed this proposal. PCB Chief, Najam Sethi, has taken the initiative to meet with officials from the Asian Cricket Council to prevent the shift. Sethi has requested the council to reconsider the implementation of a hybrid model or alternatively move the tournament to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), as was done in 2018 and 2022.

A final decision regarding the Asia Cup hosting rights is anticipated by the end of the current month. If the decision goes against Pakistan, there is uncertainty surrounding the country's participation in the tournament, with a potential boycott becoming increasingly probable.

Why india doesn't want to be a part of Asia cup in Pakistan

The Chairperson of the Asian Cricket Council (ACC), Jay Shah, has officially announced that India will not be travelling to Pakistan for the Asia Cup due to security concerns. Instead, it has been decided that the tournament will take place at a neutral venue, which will be determined during the second round of the Executive Board meeting involving ACC members.

Is Asia Cup 2023 going to be held in Sri Lanka

Reliable sources have informed India Today that the Asia Cup 2023 is expected to be relocated from Pakistan. Initially, the tournament was set to be hosted by the finalists of the 2022 Asia Cup. However, due to India's decision not to travel to Pakistan, various challenges have arisen. Proposals were made to adopt a hybrid model, allowing Pakistan to play their matches at home while India played in a neutral venue like the United Arab Emirates. 

However, recent developments indicate that the tournament might be entirely shifted to a different country, with Sri Lanka emerging as the primary contender to host the event. The final decision regarding the venue is expected to be made in the next round of meetings of the Asian Cricket Council, likely to be held next month.

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Benefit for Pakistan if Asia Cup held in their country

If Pakistan were to host the Asia Cup 2023, there would be several potential benefits for the country. Hosting a prestigious international cricket tournament can have positive impacts across various aspects. Hosting the Asia Cup in Pakistan would yield substantial economic benefits for the country, attracting both local and international spectators. This would result in increased tourism, hotel bookings, transportation services, and overall economic activity in the host cities. 

Moreover, organising a major tournament of this magnitude would require the development and enhancement of cricket facilities, stadiums, and related infrastructure. These investments would have a lasting impact, improving the overall cricketing infrastructure in Pakistan.

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The Asia Cup would provide Pakistan with significant international exposure, acting as a platform to showcase the country's cricketing talent, cultural heritage, and hospitality. This exposure can contribute to enhancing Pakistan's international reputation and creating a positive image globally.

Hosting international teams and matches can inspire and promote the growth of cricket within Pakistan. It can encourage participation, particularly at the grassroots level, and provide an invaluable opportunity for local players to gain experience by competing against top-level teams. This exposure can significantly contribute to the development and improvement of cricket in Pakistan. Successfully hosting the Asia Cup can also contribute to strengthening diplomatic ties and relationships with participating nations. The tournament provides a platform for cultural exchanges, fostering goodwill and cooperation among different countries.

  • Playing on home soil offers the Pakistani cricket team a significant advantage. Familiar conditions and the support of passionate home crowds can boost team morale, create an electric atmosphere, and potentially enhance the team's performance.
  • Overall, hosting the Asia Cup in Pakistan would bring economic benefits, promote infrastructure development, provide international exposure, boost cricket promotion, facilitate diplomatic relations, and offer a home advantage to the national team. These factors collectively contribute to the country's growth, reputation, and development in various aspects.

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