2024 UK Election Results: Rishi Sunak Admit, Keir Starmer Says Public Wants Change

UK 2024 General elections and the winning party of this year - Labour Party. Keir Starmer from this party became the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after preceding the British Politician of Indian roots, Rishi Sunak.

2024 UK Election Results: Rishi Sunak Admit, Keir Starmer Says Public Wants Change

2024 UK Election Results: Rishi Sunak Admit, Keir Starmer Says Public Wants Change2024 UK Election Results: Rishi Sunak Admit, Keir Starmer Says Public Wants Change

In 2024, Rishi Sunak was defeated in the UK Election, and he apologized to the people before leaving the Official residence in London. Keir Starmer from the Labour Party has won the elections this year ending the Conservative Party’s 14 years of Rule. Read the complete news below. 

UK Election Results 2024 Update

Rishi Sunak, born on 12th May 1980, is a British Politician and the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. On 5th July 2024, he left the Official residence in London as he hadn’t won the UK Elections in 2014. Keir Starmer from the Labour Party won these general elections with more than 326 seats in the House of Commons.  

He started his term of office as athe Prime Minister of UK on 25th October, 2022 after accepting the invitation from King Charles III to form a government. Liz Truss, who is the shortest-serving Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, was succeeded by Rishi Sunak in 2022. Sunak was the first British Indian politician and the first ever Hindu to hold the PMs position in UK. 

Rishi Sunak News 2024

Starmer from the Labour Party is Britain’s current Prime Minister who won a huge majority in a parliamentary election and ended the Conservative Party’s 14 years of Rule by crushing Sunak’s Party. Sunak accepted defeat after numerous cabinet ministers lost their seats & the scale of the Tory defeat was reveled. 

Rishi Sunak in his farewell speech apologized to public before he left the Official residence in London (Downing Street). He give his resignation to Charles III  from Prime Minister’s position and said:

"I am sorry. I have given this job my all but you have sent a clear signal, that the government of the United Kingdom must change,"

He added:

“I have heard your anger, your disappointment and I take responsibility for this loss.”

The tax burden in Britain is on track to reach its highest level after World War Two, with net debt nearly matching annual economic output. Living standards have declined, and public services, notably the beloved National Health Service, are under strain, facing strikes.

Who is the UK Prime Minister in 2024?

Keir Starmer from Labour Party is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom who won the 2024 UK General Elections and defeated Rishi Sunak from the Conserative Party. He has assembled his firs Cabinet meeting and stated:

“Now we get to work”.

He met King Charles at the Buckingham Palace and officially accepted the position as current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. He won with a great difference in votes. Labour Party has won 412 seats in Parliament and Conservative Party got only 121 seats from the total 650 seats. 

In this victory, Starmer, who supports NATO and Ukraine, promised an stated to:

"govern for every single person in this country."

Who was the last Labour Party Prime Minister before Keir Starmer?

James Gordon Brown, born on 20th February 1951, was the Prime Minister from the Labour Party before Keir Starmer. He served his term as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2007 to 2010. Afterwards, David Cameron, Theresa May, Boris Johnson, Liz Truss, & Rishi Sunak from Conservative party served their terms. In July 2024, Keir Starmer from Labour Party became the PM of UK. 


The news blog cover all about the UK 2024 General elections and the winning party of this year - Labour Party. Keir Starmer from this party became the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom after preceding the British Politician of Indian roots, Rishi Sunak. 

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