Why We Love 10 Immunity Boosting Herbs, How To Use Them(And You Should, Too!)

In this fast life, we have almost forgotten about our natural remedies to improve our Immunity to stay healthy. Don’t worry we have come up with top 10 Boosting Herbs

Why We Love 10 Immunity Boosting Herbs, How To Use Them(And You Should, Too!)

These are easy to use and give outstanding results if used as per instructions given below together with them. 

Go through the entire article, know about the best herb by the end of the article. 

Immune System

Before moving ahead, we should understand what actually the Immunity System is? We all must have heard about this term in our Biology sessions at school. Most of you might have known the definition of it. The Simplest explanation of Immune system is:

  • A complex system of organs, proteins, and cells that safeguards the human body's own cells while defending it against infection. 
  • Every germ (microbe) that the immune system has ever killed is recorded, allowing it to promptly identify and eliminate the microbe if it re-enters the body.

Immunity Boosting Herbs in Ayurveda

  • One of the powerful antioxidant properties of Indian herbs is that it Leads the biological processes that allow our bodies to have typical immune responses following exposure to antigens. 
  • To take an example, the plant Neem fights fungus, viruses, and bacteria while purifying our blood of any toxins.

Let us have a look at the 10 Immunity Boosting Herbs and their uses further. 

Amla (Indian Gooseberry)

  • Popularly known as Indian Gooseberry, it has many advantages.It promotes the healthy operation of vital organs like the liver, heart, brain, and lungs. Amla is a fruit that is high in antioxidants and contains nutrients like vitamin C, amino acids, and pectin. 
  • This herb aids in boosting the body's immune system and contains healing qualities like anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, hepatoprotective, and antioxidant capabilities.

How to Use

  • Make Amla Pickle or Murabba - Both are Equally Nutritious.
  • Add Amla Juice to Salad instead of Lemon.


Moringa (Sahjan)

  • Moringa can prevent a variety of health issues. Moringa has a higher vitamin C concentration than oranges. One of the key nutrients that our bodies require in order to have a robust immune system is vitamin C.
  • Additionally, moringa contains certain other essential nutrients that support your body's cells, muscles, and tissues and promote healing. For its rich potassium, iron, calcium, and amino acid content, consume moringa.

How to Use

  • Moringa Powder (Its Dried Leaves grinded) - Add to Smoothies, Soups or Tea.
  • Moringa Juice - Fresh Moringa Leaves Crushed 



  • Neem has been cherished and used extensively as an immune booster since a long time in history. The anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and antifungal characteristics of this substance are particularly effective at protecting the body from dangerous microorganisms.
  • Neem also helps to keep your blood pure. By removing impurities from the circulation, it cleanses the body, which might boost immunity.

How to Use

  • Neem Paste in Tea.
  • Directly Chew a freshly plucked leaf.


Tulsi (Holy Basil)

  • Another miraculous herb that is highly valued by Ayurveda is Tulsi. Basil or tulsi is an effective germicide. 
  • It can help find and kill germs, viruses, and bacteria as soon as they enter your body because of its phytochemicals and antioxidants.  

How to Use

  • Chew Few Leaves in Morning Empty-Stomach.
  • Add a few drops of water boiled with tulsi leaves into your food.  


Ashwagandha (Indian Winter Cherry)

  • Being an adaptogen, Ashwagandha has the ability to lower stress levels. Your immune system will respond less to stress, and your body will be more receptive to viral infections. 
  • Ashwagandha consumption during the pandemic assisted in lowering the likelihood that an individual would become infected with the coronavirus.

How to Use

  • Consume Ashwagandha Powder with Water or Milk.
  • Ashwagandha Tablets are also available but we suggest real herb use.



  • The antioxidant qualities of three fruits—Haritaki, Bibhitaki, and Amla—are found in triphala. 
  • Both vitamin C and vitamin A, which both boost immunity, are rich in it. Use triphala to start your day and see the changes in your physical strength with time.

How to Use

  • Take Triphala’s Powder/Juice ½-1 Teaspoon with Honey Twice a Day after meals. (Use it minimum of 2 months to see the Best results)
  • Triphala Tablets are also available but we again suggest real herb use.


Ginger (Adrak)

  • A traditional treatment for the flu and the common cold has been ginger. It has the ability to safeguard against viruses.
  • It has gingerol, which is an antioxidant that boosts our defenses against infections. Infections of the respiratory system can be avoided, especially with ginger. 

How to Use

  • Include ginger in your dishes or consume it raw.
  • AddGrated Ginger in your regular tea. Avoid it in Summer as it is hot in nature.

Garlic (Lahsun)

  • Garlic, like ginger, may aid in preventing coronavirus by boosting your immune system. Allicin, a plant component that serves as a germicide, is present. 
  • But keep in mind that eating raw or slightly cooked garlic will maximise its health advantages.

How to Use

  • Eat it Raw and add it to your salad.
  • Slightly Cook it and include in the food.

Turmeric (Haldi)

  • Your grandmother was always correct when she advised you to take turmeric for health purposes. 
  • Curcumin, a phytochemical found in turmeric, can help your body eliminate toxins and boost your immune system so you can fight off viruses and bacteria. 

How to Use

  • Add little turmeric to your meals.
  • You can consume it with milk.


Black Cumin (Kala Jeera)

  • Black cumin extracts can protect you from a variety of germs and viruses that harm your immune system. Black cumin seeds and oil both function as antioxidants and aid in removing free radicals that impair immunity.
  • The Everherb Immunity Boosters are a fantastic additional option for developing a robust immune system.

How to Use

  • Take Tea with mixed black seed (crushed) and pure honey with warm water.
  • Black Seed Powder- 1-2 Gms daily dose directly from mouth for 8-12 Weeks.

Additional Herb to help in Improving Immunity and Easily Available


  • Guduchi, commonly referred to as Giloy, is one of the most precious herbs used in Ayurveda. This herb improves memory and length of life while increasing immunity and guarding against diseases. 
  • Chronic coughs and respiratory diseases including bronchitis and asthma have long been treated with Guduchi.

How to Use

  • Use two to three teaspoons of Giloy juice with equal amounts of water. To increase your immunity, drink it once or twice a day, especially before your meals.

Pro-Tips to Enhance Immunity 

Follow these below given habits to regularly and enjoy the amazing changes in your immunity:

  • Eat Well
  • Be Physically Active
  • Maintain a Healthy Weight
  • Get Enough Sleep
  • Quit Smoking
  • Avoid Too Much Alcohol


Know everything about the best herbs for you to enhance your immunity to fight against various diseases. Read the complete article where we have mentioned these Top 10 herbs and together with them we have specified an additional name. 

You can read the pro-tips to enhance your immunity here. Stay connected to know more such hidden gems of Knowledge.